i promised a while back to share more of jackers from his two year session we did back in november. i can’t believe how big he is getting. he amazes us every single day. he decided this morning that he now likes orange juice. he always wants a sip when he sees me drinking it (it looks so tasty), but usually he makes the sour face and says yucky (which is one of his favorite words). well, this morning, as usual he wants a sip and i give him one and he says, “yum” which is quickly followed by, “more”. i gave him some in his sippy cup only to discover that the pulp plugs it up. i took the lid off and let him drink it with no lid and he didn’t spill a drop. see, he is getting big!
so big, as a matter of fact, that he is going to be a big brother in june! if you ask him about this he will tell you, “ball”. because he has decided he is going to play ball with the new baby. he may be a little sad to discover that playing ball will not come for a little while. he also will probably have a bit of an adjustment to make because every time john or i hold our niece, janie, jack becomes ultra clingy and huggy. as soon as we put her down he wants nothing to do with us. he does really love babies, just as long as mom and dad are not the ones holding them!
as you can see he is still very drooly, (i”m not sure how long that is supposed to last for), but super cute, nevertheless!
Erika - I love the hat, but I LOVE the drool even more 😉
Nicole - Congrats to you and the family! By the sounds of it, Jack will be a very protective older brother! 🙂 His pics are amazing. Someday you will be photographing my little ones too!!
RebeccaPizzo - Really wonderful captures !!! Amazing clarity. What camera do you use? Anyway, excellent photos.
Leigh - He is the most gorgeous little boy in the world! I cant wait till June to meet new baby!!!
Rachel - love the pics! jack is so cute and I’m so happy for you guys!
Stephanie Sullivan - Wonderful pictures as always, and congratulations! I’m very excited for you and the family.