Pazy's Portraits » modern photography for seniors, babies, kids, and families

in case you’ve been wondering where i’ve been, we were up north in lake city all last week with my sister and her family. it was great to get away for a while and not have any schedules to keep up with.  jack loved the beach and cried when he saw our house as we pulled into our driveway. he asks to go back up north a few times a day! i think he liked having an additional four siblings for an entire week.


my first session back from maternity leave is saturday, so check back then  for a sneak peak! i will also be putting more pictures of sam up this week along with a few more product spotlights.

  • Rachel - I love all of these, looks like you guys had a blast!!ReplyCancel

  • Jennifer - Oh my Sarah these are breath taking. I can hardly wait for July 24th. :):):)ReplyCancel

  • Sue Krnac - Loved the pictures. The one with the 2 dads and 4 boys was really awesome. You all must have had a great time.ReplyCancel

  • Beatrice - Sarah- I love all these photos! What memories you are preserving for your family!
    Love you.ReplyCancel

  • McKenzie - Very cute! Gotta love Lake City. We were up there too….must have missed you at the Parade!ReplyCancel

spread the love: FL:R

press printed cards are available for birth announcements, christmas cards, graduation announcements, save the dates, and party invites. these are a great way to show off your beautiful family! they are printed on 5×7 paper cover stock and can come flat or folded. white envelopes are also included.


spread the love: FL:R

i am quite positive that these are my favorite products. i had a few client canvases come in the mail today and it never fails that each and every time i open a box with a canvas inside i get really excited. (does that make me a dork? probably so!) they are so simple, yet they make such a huge impression. i love that you can go really big with them because they don’t require a frame that will take up additional wall space. all of the focus truly is on the image, which is printed right on the canvas and then stretched over deep gallery stretcher bars with a depth of 1.5 inches.




spread the love: FL:R