Pazy's Portraits » modern photography for seniors, babies, kids, and families

nothing makes me happier than the high school seniors that put their session off until spring. it’s so much fun to shoot seniors when i’m not averaging seven sessions a week. caitlynn and i had a great time hanging out together and we just so happened to get some beautiful pictures while we did it!


spread the love: FL:R

i not only can’t decide who this pretty little girl looks like (i see some of mommy and some of daddy in her), i also can’t decide who’s girl she is. sometimes she wanted mommy and sometimes she wanted a daddy. see for yourself.PINIMAGE

see what i mean! i definitely think she has her mom’s attitude! 😉

PINIMAGEi really love the realness of these last images!


spread the love: FL:R

i love me some new baby, but i really love me some sleepy new baby!


  • Joan/Carl Kromminga - Wonderful pictures! Love ’em all. What a fine boy! What great parents! Thanks! Elijah’s Great-grandma and Great-grandpa KReplyCancel

  • Leanne - These are so cute! What a great little sleeper he must be! You got amaing pictures of him.ReplyCancel

  • melanie - Love all of these! What a perfect little baby boy. Congratulations to the new parents and as usual, beautiful job! I love the variety.ReplyCancel

spread the love: FL:R