Pazy's Portraits » modern photography for seniors, babies, kids, and families

congrats to my brother anthony, sister-in-law jamie, and niece gracie! blaize anthony was born on monday. he weighed 8lbs, 7oz and is completely perfect. stay tuned for photos coming soon! by the way…they are the adorable family seen here: 3 weeks to go

spread the love: FL:R

i didn’t do a practice session last weekend, so i thought i would share one i took of jack before there was snow on the ground. i much prefer doing outside sessions; however, michigan winters make that really hard.

we got his hat on, which is a great place to buy christmas gifts. the seller that made this hat is called portland beanie co. if you have never been on etsy before, prepare to become addicted. you can find anything from hand-made jewelery, to yarn, to clothing, to paintings, etc…

spread the love: FL:R