Pazy's Portraits » modern photography for seniors, babies, kids, and families

here’s one quick photo of my little brother, ben, and his beautiful fiance, jessica. the rest will be put into a collage! we tried to go outside on saturday, but it didn’t work out too well for us. my hand was numb in 2 minutes.


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i can’t wait to meet this sweet baby girl and find out her name! we had a very laid back and creative session yesterday and i had a hard time choosing with photos to put on here.








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pazy’s portraits is now officially, pazy’s portraits LLC! so exciting!

also, my hubby, john, (my assistant and #1 fan) hooked me up with the cool favicon up near the web address. take a look…it’s the circle with the “p” in it. thanks sweetie!

stay tuned for more very exciting news coming your way soon!

and here’s a picture of jack, because what good is a post without a picture:


does it look like he has enough toys in the background?

  • Jennifer Aguilar - Jack is such a cutie! I say the toys just make a more colorful background! 🙂ReplyCancel

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