Pazy's Portraits » modern photography for seniors, babies, kids, and families

i get asked a lot by my clients for advice on what to wear. i don’t mind at all, anybody who knows me, knows that one of my favorite pastimes is shopping! so, i thought it would be helpful to show some outfit ideas.

so, here is the first edition of “fashion friday”


these are only meant to be used as inspiration. don’t try to immitate them exactly (unless you want to!) use your own creativity to adapt them to fit with your family’s style.

spread the love: FL:R

amanda is a senior at jefferson high school in monroe. no, “amazing amanda” is not a song title. it is just amazing that amanda is still here today, about to enter her last year of high school. when amanda was very little she was fearless. she ran out in front of a semi, walked on a roof of a two story house, and defeated an awful disease. pretty amazing, right?!

as usual we started with some photos up against my backdrops.





then we went to elizabeth park for some outside photos.




her cousin, jessica, a senior at dundee high school, also jumped in for a few:


thanks, both of you and have a great senior year!

  • jessica - thanks sarah 🙂 these pictures turned out great!ReplyCancel

  • Angela Crutcher - She is gorgeous! Great session and love the virety here!ReplyCancel

  • jennifer - what a gorgeous girl she has a very beautiful smile!ReplyCancel

  • Lina - Can you say cute? Great captures, nice clarity and color. Super!ReplyCancel

  • sandra - Awesome these are so fun. What a beautiful young lady! CONGRATS SENIOR!ReplyCancel

  • Kimberly Marie - These are great! Love them all, especially #4. Her smile is beautiful.ReplyCancel

  • Amanda - Sarah!!!
    Thanks soo much for all your hard work.. Im so happy with them!!! They turned out great..I’ve already gotten a lot of great comments from my friends on them! I love how your pictures are so bright and clear!!! Thanks again, I couldn’t have asked for any better.ReplyCancel

  • Mandy - Wow…she is gorgeous…it looks like she is one amazing lady, inside and out. I love the fun you captured even in the studio.ReplyCancel

  • shawna - What a beautiful girl with a gorgeous smile! You did a great job capturing her personality.ReplyCancel

spread the love: FL:R

i met with michelle tonight for a senior portraits and of course rushed home to get the sneak peak up! what better do i have to do on a friday night once jack goes to bed? not a dang thing!

michelle, is the sweetest, funniest and prettiest girl (that is a whole lot “est’s”)!

we met at her house and i saw this old tractor in the back and knew i wanted to take a few with it before we left. i’m so glad we did because i love how they turned out!


we then went to fourstar greenhouse in carleton for the rest of her photos. thank you, tom smith, for allowing to use your beautiful scenery and flowers as our backdrops!







thanks michelle! i had a great time hanging out with you tonight! enjoy your sneak peak!

spread the love: FL:R

no, i haven’t forgotten about whatever wednesday! i have just been editing instead of blogging. i have been accused of not sharing enough pictures of jack on here lately, so i am trying to be better.

i didn’t make it into too many pictures at my brother’s wedding, being the photographer and all! however, i did pass my camera to my hubby to snap this one of me and my big boy, the ring bearer!


he actually made it down the aisle to all of our surprise! don’t believe me? take a look!


he was running towards me and my camera as i was trying to move backyards. yes, that is cracker in his hand, his hair is messed up, his coat is unbuttoned, and his shoes are untied. i think somebody said he looked like he was drunk! 🙂 it’s no wonder that gracie isn’t smiling!

well, it was all fun and games until jack’s buzz wore off and we tried to do some bridal party pictures! 😉


it’s torture seeing your mom so close, but she can’t hold you!

and now one of my whole good-looking family, if i do say so myself!


  • Amanda - Jack is getting so big and your family is beautiful!ReplyCancel

  • Rachel - great shots!! I LOVE the one of him coming down the aisle – sooo cute!!ReplyCancel

  • amanda - Too cute ! I think a couple of those remind me of Braxton 🙂 haha. You have a gorgeous family !ReplyCancel

spread the love: FL:R

i had a great time hanging out with gabby this morning. we started her senior session at monroe high on the football field. gabby will be spending lots of time there this fall cheering for the trojans!


we then headed to the old school house on the raisin river in monroe. that’s gabby’s favorite place to go when she needs to de-stress!


you can tell she looks right at home, right?


next up was downtown monroe for some urban fun!



we ended the session back at gabby’s house for a few in her backyard and then her formal yearbook photos.




i don’t know what it is, but somehow i get all the pretty senior girls! they just swarm to me! 🙂

thanks gabby! i had a great time with you today and i hope you love your sneak peak!

  • Cindy - I really love these, awesome variety! Love the bw one, she looks so pretty!ReplyCancel

  • Sarah Mansur - Beautiful girl! I really like #7…great pose and processing…but they are all great!ReplyCancel

  • Kristi - These are totally gorgeous. Love the first one with the pom poms in the bleachers… that is great! She is gorgeous!ReplyCancel

  • Krysia - What a gorgeous girl! I adore that one of her in the black heels and yellow/black top. STunning!ReplyCancel

  • Mandy - These are JUST gorgeous. WOW. What an amazing assortment of both traditional and different. Great work.ReplyCancel

  • Holly - These are beautiful! I love#1! She is just gorgeous!ReplyCancel

  • Lisa Lucky - These are so beautiful! I really love #3 and of course the one of her with her puppy!ReplyCancel

  • Angela Crutcher - Beautiful girl and I love the locations!!ReplyCancel

spread the love: FL:R