Pazy's Portraits » modern photography for seniors, babies, kids, and families

become art! | southeast michigan photographer

that painting of the rocky mountains you picked up at gibraltar trade center may be pretty awesome, but wouldn’t you rather have your
family decorating your walls? although you may have a strong emotional attachment to that painting of a cheetah on black velvet that
currently hangs above your mantel, wouldn’t it be just a little bit better to have a portrait of loved one hanging there instead?

pazy’s portraits now has ten wall design guides to help you during the ordering process. i know
how over-whelming ordering can be and these will definitely make your life easier.

here is one sample:


all ten guides can be viewed here in the client lounge. i can also custom design guides for you using the portraits
from your session. just let me know where in your home you are interested in decorating and i will do the rest!

  • Nataly - Sarah,
    Loved this post! I’m really, really new to the business, but I really love the idea of using wall designs to give clients a vision about how to display their portraits!ReplyCancel

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