Pazy's Portraits » modern photography for seniors, babies, kids, and families


pazyPINIMAGEmy favorite foods are popcorn, dark chocolate, and pickles. (i’m also a big fan of red wine and coffee, but i don’t think they count as  food.) my favorite sound is my sons’ giggling. my favorite pastime is hanging out with my family and friends. i’m 39 and happily married to a wonderful man, who gave me the nickname, pazy (rhymes with crazy). my other “job” is being momma to three boys. my thriteen-year-old, jack, is smart, goofy, and one-of-a-kind. my eleven-old, sam, is sweet, sensitive, and your typical boys-boy. the “baby”, drew, is 7 going on 17! time is moving way too fast, and i know i’m going to blink and they’ll all be in college. speaking of college…i have my bachelors degree in business and marketing. i was born and raised in newport, michigan and moved to trenton after getting married. i have 8 brothers and sisters and over 30 nieces and nephews – that would make me pretty awesome with children (just let me try my hand at yours!). i’m positive that being able to capture the beauty in your every day life is the best job in the world (and that makes me pretty darn lucky!). yes, i think you ARE beautiful and i’m willing to bet you $10 that i can prove it!

(photo of me snuggling my boys is courtesy of jean smith)